Software Libre para la linea de comandos (command line)

Posted on mar 11 octubre 2016 in command-line

Email client:

  • mail (command-line; uses local mailboxes)
  • mutt (full-screen; uses local mailboxes, POP3, or IMAP)
  • alpine (full-screen; uses local mailboxes, POP3, or IMAP)
  • offlineimap


  • nrss
  • rss2email


  • lynx (the classic full-screen text-browser)
  • links/links2 (a full-screen text-browser with more visual layout engine)
  • elinks (a full-screen text-browser with more visual layout engine)
  • w3m

Text Editing:

  • vi/vim (the classic full-screen text-editor)
  • emacs (popular and extensible choice in full-screen text-editors)
  • ed (the classic command-line text editor)
  • nano (a simple full-screen editor)
  • pico (a simple full-screen editor)
  • wordview ("wv") to convert .DOC files to a usable format.
  • view doc:
  • catdoc
  • antiword
  • convert pdf:
  • pdftotext > pdf to text
  • pdftohtml > pdf to html


  • Spreadsheet:
  • sc (a simple full-screen spreadsheet with vi-like keybindings)
  • view .xls:

    • catdoc

    • Math:

    • Octave
    • R
    • scilab
    • Graphing:
    • gnuplot
    • graphviz
    • Calculator
    • bc (a simple command-line calculator)
    • python (the full power of Python, at a command-line)


  • calendar (show events on given days)
  • cal (display a calendar)
  • pcal (good for printing)
  • cron (for scheduling repeated tasks)
  • at (for scheduling a single job sometime in the future)

To-do/time management:

  • TaskWarrior
  • TimeTracker


  • Playback
  • cmus
  • mpg321
  • mpd/mpc
  • mpg123
  • ogg123
  • Editing/recording
  • sox
  • ecasound
  • Volume control
  • aumix


  • finch (a console version of Gaim/Pidgin)
  • irssi (popular IRC client)


  • psql interface to PostgreSQL
  • mysql interface to MySQL
  • sqlite interface to the sqlite database
  • mariadb


  • Midnight Commander (mc)
  • Ranger

Version control:

  • Distributed VCS
  • git (a fast, powerful patchwork of scripts and commands)
  • mercurial (hg) (fast, powerful, predictable, and mostly written in Python)
  • bazaar (fast, powerful, predictable, and purely written in Python)
  • Centralized VCS
  • subversion (svn)
  • cvs


  • abook


  • rtorrent

Security/encrypt :

  • gpg
  • encfs
  • firewall:
  • iptables
  • shorewall
  • firehol


  • top, ps, kill, who, last
  • ping, traceroute, dig, ifconfig, ip, netstat, nslookup, tcpdump, iptraf
  • openssl, ssh, sftp, scp, rsync
  • iotop an I/O monitor like "top"
  • screen

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